Bring flexibility to your business
We are fast moving away from a traditional corporate structure that involves all employees on site and working during regular 9-5 hours. While there has been some resistance to enabling greater flexibility for employees and integrating agility into working structures, more organisations are now beginning to recognise the potential benefits in doing so. The cloud is at the heart of facilitating this transition. Cloud-based software and storage could bring a truly transformative flexibility to your business that enables it to evolve.
Attract more talent
In particular, Generation Z and millennials are used to a world where tech is fully integrated into every aspect of life and tend to expect this from employers. Whether your business suffers from skills shortages in these demographics, or you’re just competitive about ensuring you attract the best people, the flexibility provided by cloud structures is essential to providing the working lifestyles that these generations expect. According to a recent study, the majority of employees would appreciate being offered flexible working – many would prefer this to a pay rise. So, it could be a crucial part of recruiting competitively, and is best enabled by the cloud.
Improve productivity by being more flexible
The cloud effectively enables your employees to work from just about anywhere. So, whether they are stuck at home due to transport issues or travelling for work, they can still be productive. With cloud systems, a single centralised location holds all the software and data that employees need to do their jobs. This can be accessed via secure passwords anywhere that there is an internet connection. A 2017 study found that 53% of workers feel that they would be more productive working outside of the office – enabling this flexibility via investment in cloud computing could deliver impressive results.
Create happier, more engaged employees
Embracing more mobile working with investment in the cloud gives your employees the opportunity to have more say in their own lifestyles. Happier employees, with a wider range of work style choices, tend to be more engaged and invested in a positive outcome for their employer. When employees are trusted and given more freedom it’s much easier to get them to buy into their roles and take outcomes more seriously.
Scaling and cost efficiency
One of the most attractive benefits of the cloud is the way that it enables businesses to reduce cost. Flexibility in business structures can reduce overheads, such as office space, and provide options when it comes to how employees are contracted. Cloud infrastructure gives businesses the ability to scale flexibly up or down, depending on need, without heavy up front investment in hardware and systems. It means that an organisation can be more directly responsive to the needs of its employees and customers without having to dedicate significant resources to evolution and improvement.
Cloud-based software and systems have revolutionised the way that we do business, enabling mobile working for greater flexibility. If you’re looking for cloud based accounting software for your organisation we can help – contact the FinanSys team today to find out more.