With many organisations looking to upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft office and 365, it’s important to consider how this may impact your version of Query and Analysis (Q&A).
To mitigate system failures and performance issues, understanding the compatibility of each system is paramount for business continuity.
Q&A10 is currently no longer being developed and only supports the following versions of Office:
- Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 (32-bit only)
- Microsoft Office 365 – Maximum version 1803 (32-bit only)
The support for Office 365 version 1803 is an older version of Office 365 which typically causes complications for your IT team as they will look to implement a more current release of Office 365.
In 2019 Infor released Q&A11.3 to provide support for Office 365 for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel. Q&A11.3 also now includes support for those who are on a semi-annual update channel.
Q&A11.3 is supported against SunSystems 4.4.2, 6.3 and 6.4 so customers on older versions of SunSystems may need to consider an upgrade of Sun to allow an upgrade to Q&A11 and therefore Office 365.
If you are looking to update Microsoft Office and want to know more about how this may impact your current Q&A version and SunSystems, please get in touch with us today.