There are many reasons for considering a new business system. Overall, you’ll be able to improve productivity and save costs.
But how do you know when it’s time to make a change? When should you start looking for alternatives?
Here are 7 excuses we’ve heard organisations make when they’re putting off deciding on a new business management system. If you’re guilty of the below, it might be time:
1) We’ve been doing ‘just fine’ without one
The problem is, “doing just fine” means your organisation isn’t operating at its greatest potential and thus isn’t growing as fast as it could. Your company may stagnate without a modern, cloud-based business system.
The question you need to ask is: “What would our organisation be like if we had the right business management system?”
2) Only large companies need a computerised business system
This is another common excuse. In fact, any company that wants to manage its processes and people effectively should use enterprise software.
The size of a company doesn’t matter. Even if you only have one location and five employees, at the end of the day having a reliable business management system will help you save time and money.
That being said, we would recommend businesses with a turnover of £5 – 100 million to consider a system like NetSuite or SunSystems, as this is the sweet spot for these software products.
3) ERP costs too much and we can’t afford it
It is a misconception to think that investing in new business management software means the company is losing money.
Almost every organisation that adopts digital transformation always reports an increase in revenue. Why? Because an investment in the right software will allow your organisation to improve cost efficiencies, output, and overall bottom line.
4) We don’t have enough people power to use them
When it is time to buy software, it is better to look at the value the software will provide your business rather than how many team members you have on board.
A good business management system will enable your team to be more efficient in their day-to-day tasks, which means you could get the same work done in less time. It doesn’t matter if you have one key person or 100 people using it; the benefits are still the same.
Saving time on manual or admin tasks will allow your team to work on more value-added initiatives.
5) We don’t have enough time to figure out the system
Another excuse we often hear is: “We aren’t ready to implement a new system because we are too busy.”
While the transition to a new system can be daunting, it’s important to remember that the time spent making the switch will be managed effectively if you choose to work with an implementation partner. After this is completed, the new system will reduce the time your organisation spends managing your business.
Working with an implementation partner will also ensure your business system is customised to meet your needs, which mean the software can be tailor-made to fill those time leakages in your business processes, workflows, and everyday operation.
Once again, it is important to look at how much value a business management system will provide your organisation, instead of how long it might take to go live.
6) The software is too sophisticated/difficult for our workers
Many companies try to avoid using business software because they think it is complicated or difficult to use. But that’s not always the case.
The financial and business software products we sell and implement, for example, are extremely user-friendly.
The average employee can easily use our systems without requiring special technical knowledge or assistance from IT.
Furthermore, there are many easy-to-digest training courses available for free or at a low cost.
For instance, here at FinanSys, we provide regular training courses on our financial management system and business management software products, open to all our customers and their staff.
7) We don’t need the software if we have an efficient team in place
Here’s the thing: even if your team is very efficient, you’ll still need appropriate tools to help them function even better.
Since your employees are the backbone of your organisation, it is important to make sure they have the best tools available.
This software will also allow you to get better, more detailed information about how your employees are working. Having an accurate tracking system also helps you identify which parts of the business need improvement so they can be fixed quickly.
This, in turn, can help you ultimately improve your performance.
Where to Start
It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when it comes time to choose the right business software for your company.
The first step is to make a decision to invest in a good business system. And with a platform like NetSuite, you’ll be able to access powerful tools designed to improve your company’s profitability and productivity.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your company’s performance.