UPDATE: Infor has since released a more modern and more robust version of SunSystems called SunSystems Cloud. This is now the latest version. With it, users can now enjoy the full benefits of a true SaaS platform that is secure and cost-effective. It’s a multi-tenant cloud platform, enabling Infor to offer SunSystems on a larger scale.
Ever since the release of SunSystems 6.4, it has been welcomed by many as an improvement to the reliability of SunSystems 4, layering on top of that the kind of contemporary functionality that genuinely adds value to user experience. If you’re still unsure about an upgrade SunSystems 4 to SunSystems 6.4 then there are some very good reasons to consider going ahead with it.
Data customisation
With the new SunSystems 6.4 there is a lot more scope for personalising and customising the system. If you’re looking for transaction entry that is more accurate and easy to use, for example, then this is a big advantage, as entry forms can be individually tailored with customisation of characteristics and attributes.
A true web client
SunSystems 6.4 removes the past limitation to a “thick or rich” client, which required that it was either installed onto the computer itself or delivered via Citrix / Terminal Services. This is no longer necessary because with SunSystems 6.4 you have a true web client.
Longer data fields
Field space was an issue for many with SunSystems 4. There is now much more flexibility when it comes to data fields with additional fields added, more space in each field as well as space for long notes.
More currency options
There is a big difference between the currency options in SunSystems 4 and SunSystems 6.4. The earlier system is designed around a single transaction currency and a base currency, which could be problematic for those seeking a real time second base currency for reporting. SunSystems 6.4 is a different matter and much more versatile with five currencies for each transaction, which can be configured in a number of different ways.
SunSystems Reporting Services
Authoring and editing reports is much easier in SunSystems 6.4 thanks to SunSystems Reporting Services. This is an upgrade from the Report Designer in SunSystems 4, which many, other than the most skilled users, tended to struggle with.
More efficient processes
SunSystems 6.4 is generally more intuitive and designed to remove unnecessary steps from a number of key processes. For example, the payment list for payment runs can be saved as a batch and brought back later to ensure nothing changes from when they payment run was initially ran.
Multi-session capability
When using SunSystems V4 the system restricts you to doing one single task at a time and that limit is lifted with SunSystems 6.4. With the upgrade, it’s possible to have up to nine sessions open at the same time, which can help to improve experience and convenience and also boost productivity.
Integration with other systems
SunSystems 6.4 has been designed much more with collaboration in mind than its predecessor. So, it can be used alongside other applications and easily integrated, whether that’s with document management systems or messaging systems. This makes it much easier to enable collaboration, which can save time and resources and boost performance as a result.
These are just some of the reasons why upgrading to SunSystems 6.4 is a great choice for many enterprises.
Looking for a reliable SunSystems Upgrade Service provider? Get in touch with us today!