Infor d/EPM

d/EPM Business Intelligence

Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management

SunSystems is a powerful and comprehensive accounting software solution that offers users a high degree of flexibility and scalability. With SunSystems, businesses can manage their finances more effectively and produce accurate financial statements.

But SunSystems is more than just an accounting solution that does the number-crunching for you – it’s also a powerful business intelligence tool.

SunSystems comes with a range of built-in reporting and analysis features that give users valuable insights into their business.

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However, with product and development cycles becoming shorter and shorter by the day, managers have to be able to make quick decisions. Budgeting systems must be adaptable to change and provide clear visibility into every stage of the process. The key to making this process more efficient is speed and flexibility.

SunSystems’ Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management (d/EPM) offers a pre-built application to meet these needs and tackle other budgeting obstacles. The EPM software provides an advanced planning and forecasting environment that supports continuous budgeting and rolling forecasts, among other best practices.

Due to the flexible underlying technology (based on MIS DecisionWare), companies can tailor the standardised structures and reporting options to reflect their unique requirements.

You will be able to build systems that are high-performing and customised to your needs quickly and efficiently.

Contact Us today to discuss how you can harness the benefits that Infor d/EPM offers

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  • Easily manage and control your budgeting process with the built-in workflow feature, which supports continuous budgeting and rolling forecasts
  • Production of consolidated financial statements with intercompany eliminations and translation of data using different accounting methods into the same currency and accounting treatment
  • Seamless integration with other operational systems allows a complete view of the company
  • Out-of-the-box structures to support common planning requirements and structures with the flexibility to mirror your organisation’s specific requirements
  • Broad access to insights via flexible, self-service design dashboards and reports; accessible on the go reducing the costs and time of sharing information throughout the organisation

This powerful EPM software can take data from enterprise applications and funnel it into governance, risk and compliance, performance management, and analytics. The data is accurate and up-to-date because it is coming from a single source and in real-time.