Sharperlight Reporting

Sharperlight Reporting

Advanced Reporting and Analysis

Sharperlight is the fastest and most flexible reporting tool for your organisation, allowing your team to easily access and distribute the data they need.

Sharperlight provides reporting not just for the finance team but the whole organisation, with the ability for reports to sit over SunSystems as well as any other business system, giving you the complete picture.  

Sharperlight comes with a suite of out-the-box report, enabling users to quickly create and amend reports that can be:

  • accessed via web browser, allowing self-service reporting
  • updated live and automatically in Microsoft Excel, removing the need for manual manipulation
  • automatically distributed by email on a scheduled basis to the relevant stakeholders and employees. 

As a true end-user tool, Sharperlight lets you swiftly create and amend reports, without the need for IT involvement or an expert consultant. To complement the Sharperlight training, the solution comes with a wealth of videos and a how-to guide, to help users get the most out of it in their own time. 

How Can We Help?

Why not download our reporting brochure of book a demo.

Sharperlight comes with all the reporting functionality you need in a single solution:

Sharperlight Web Reporting 

Sharperlight can present both report listings and visual representations of the data you need. Reports can be designed directly within the web application, or created in Excel and published online. 

Access to reports can be controlled through security, ensuring users only see the data that is relevant to them. Should the user have permission, they can amend the selection criteria and re-run reports or drill to see the underlying data. 

Sharperlight also supports web dashboards – these allow users to interact with drillable graphs and widgets within a single view, giving a quick picture of how your organisation is performing according to multiple data sources or systems.

Find out how Sharperlight reporting can help your organisation

Live Reporting in Excel through the Excel Add-on 

Access and design management and statutory reports as well as handling ad-hoc requests using a simple wizard-driven report builder. Reports can be viewed live or scheduled for distribution on a recurring basis. 

You can design the look and feel of your reports using Excel’s own formatting capabilities. Reports can be summarised at any level or provide you with detailed listings, with the ability to drill to view underlying or related data. 

Sharperlight is compatible with all the latest versions of Excel, including Microsoft Office 365 and 64-bit Excel, with quick updates available.

Sharperlight also supports working over the Internet, removing the need for technology such as Citrix or Remote Desktop to view reports via the Excel add-in. 

Automated Email Distribution 

The scheduler enables reports to be sent out automatically on a scheduled or ad-hoc basis, making it easier to distribute information across your organisation. 

Reports can be tailored to the recipient, for example, the scheduler could be used to send out a ‘Profit and Loss’ to each department head or project manager, with each recipient only receiving the information relevant to them. 

The scheduling module comes free with five or more users. 

Write-Back of Data into SunSystems and Other Systems 

Sharperlight from FinanSys allows users to upload transactional data, as well as static data such as accounts, customers, suppliers and addresses. Data can either be uploaded directly into SunSystems via the SunSystems API, or via ledger import. 

Customers find the write-back functionality invaluable if they need to quickly upload more complex or lengthy journals as well as budgeting or forecast data. 

Report across Multiple Systems 

One of Sharperlight’s most powerful functions is the ability to report over multiple data sources, whether this be SunSystems, a custom connection, or one of the 50 standard data models available. Sharperlight can sit over most standard databases including Microsoft SQL, Access, Oracle, MySQL or Firebird, amongst others. 

Sharperlight’s speed of reporting can help your organisation to make informed, data driven decisions, accelerating growth and profitability

Contact us today, to see how Sharperlight reporting from FinanSys can help with your reporting requirements